Biology Form One TIE Notes is a textbook, “Biology for Secondary Schools”, which is specifically written for Form One students in the United Republic of Tanzania. It is prepared according to the 2005 Biology Syllabus for Secondary Schools, Form I-IV, issued by the former Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.
What is Biology?
Biology is the study of living things. The word biology comes from two Greek words Bios and Logos. The term Bios means life while logos means study, and when the two terms are combined we find the meaning of biology. Living things also called organisms, include plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms (single-celled organisms that we can not see by our eyes like bacteria or viruses)
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Topics covered in Biology Form One TIE notes/Book
The book is divided into eleven chapters:
- Introduction to Biology,
- Biology Laboratory,
- Scientific Processes in Biology,
- First Aid and Safety in Our Environment,
- Waste Disposal,
- Personal Hygiene and Good Manners
- Health, Immunity and Diseases,
- STIs, STDs, HIV and AIDS,
- Cell Structure and Organization,
- Classification of Living Things,
- Viruses, Kingdom Monera, and Kingdom Protoctista.
Each chapter comprises illustrations, activities, exercises, and revision exercises. Students are encouraged to complete all activities and attempt all questions to enhance their understanding and develop the intended competencies for this level.