Book-Keeping Form One TIE Notes PDF Download

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Book-Keeping Form One TIE Notes PDF | This textbook, Book-Keeping for Secondary Schools, is written specifically for Form One students in the United Republic of Tanzania. It is based on the 2016 Book-Keeping Syllabus for Ordinary Secondary Education Form I-IV, issued by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

Book-Keeping Form One TIE book Topics

The book comprises six chapters:

  1. Introduction to Book-Keeping,
  2. The Principles of Double Entry,
  3. Books of Prime Entry,
  4. Ledgers,
  5. Trial Balance, and
  6. Elementary Financial Statements.

Each chapter includes activities and exercises, with some chapters featuring illustrations. Students are encouraged to complete all activities, exercises, and assignments provided by their teacher, as doing so will help them develop the intended competencies.

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